Leonie Einfalt is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Melbourne working on the SABRE experiment. In her PhD she worked on high level data analysis and statistical inference for the cryogenic, scintillator-based dark matter searches COSINUS and CRESST.
Read MoreDr Eiasha Waheed is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Melbourne working on Axion-like particle (ALP) measurements at the Belle II experiment. ALPs could provide a portal connecting SM particles to Dark Matter.
Read MoreDr Robert James is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Melbourne. He leads statistical inference for the world-leading LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment, which utilises a deep underground dual-phase liquid xenon time projection chamber. In Australia he is currently leading physics and simulation work for the SABRE South experiment, as it prepares for initial commissioning and data taking. He is also involved in R&D efforts through the XLZD consortium to optimise the design of a next-generation liquid xenon detector to maximise its physics reach.
Read MoreDr Tarak Maity is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Sydney, working broadly in astroparticle physics. He is interested in utilizing theoretical and experimental approaches to understand the fundamental nature of dark matter.
Read MoreDr Aivrup Ghosh has been a postdoctoral researcher in the Dark Matter Phenomenology group in the University of Melbourne, since early 2024.
Read MoreDr Ellen Sirks is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Sydney specialisng in using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters to probe the nature of dark matter.
Read MoreDr Giorgio Busoni’s interests include Physics Beyond the Standard Model broadly defined, including and focusing, but not limited to, Dark Matter searches. His research interests connected to Dark Matter usually focus, but are not limited to, WIMP candidates broadly defined.
Read MoreDr Robert Mostoghiu Paun has joined the Swinburne node of the Centre as a Postdoctoral Research Associate after finishing his PhD in 2020.
During his PhD, he studied the influence of baryonic physics in galaxy formation using both hydrodynamical simulations of clusters of galaxies and constrained simulations of the Local Group.
Read MoreDr Jeremy Bourhill has rejoined the team at the Quantum Technologies and Dark Matter (QDM) Laboratory, UWA, as a Research Asosciate after working for IMT Atlandique in Brest, France.
Read MoreDr William Melbourne is working on the development of SABRE, a direct detection experiment. His PhD focussed on the characterisation of the light sensitive detectors used to study interactions in the detector as well as event simulation and reconstruction.
Read MoreDr Federico Scutti is a postdoctoral researcher at Swinburne University of Technology and has previously worked on Heavy Neutrino research with data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.
Read MoreDr Jayden Newstead works on particle dark matter phenomenology, focusing on the direct detection of dark matter. He will provide a bridge between the Centre's theory and experimental efforts.
Read MoreDr Xuan Gong Wang’s areas of research are IMP dark matter, direct detection and effective field theory.
Read MoreDr Lindsey Bignell is an experimental particle physicist working on dark matter direct detection at the ANU node. He is involved with the CYGNUS and SABRE collaborations, and is interested in precision measurements and translational research.
Read MoreDr Zuzana Slavkovska’s area of research is in SABRE experimental backgrounds: simulations and measurements of the cosmogenic radiobackgrounds in NaI(Tl), measurements of the intrinsic backgrounds in the crystal powder, and veto liquid scintillator characterization and background measurements.
Read MoreDr Ben McAllister is a postdoctoral researcher working at the Swinburne and UWA nodes of the Centre, having completed his PhD in 2019.
Read MoreDr Graeme Flower’s area of research is axion dark matter detection experiments, applications of magnetic materials, and single-photon counting.
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