Jeremy Bourhill

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Dr Jeremy Bourhill has rejoined the team at the Quantum Technologies and Dark Matter (QDM) Laboratory, UWA as a Research Associate after working for IMT Atlantique in Brest, France.

Previously, Jeremy was a Research Associate at UWA after completing his PhD in July 2016 under the supervision of Professor Michael Tobar. His research focused on spin ensembles in solids and novel microwave techniques to interact with them for the purposes of designing quantum protocols. Currently, Jeremy is focused on novel opto-magnonic devices and higher topological order microwave cavities designed for unique tests of fundamental physics. 

His doctorate focused on a macroscopic (kg scale) electro-mechanical device with the potential to test the nature of gravitational effects in the quantum world, as well as improvements to the phase noise performance of microwave readout technology at 100 kHz.