Posts in Job
Postdoctoral fellow/Research fellow at ANU

This is a key role for a Postdoctoral Fellow or Research Fellow to contribute to research and education agendas of the Research School of Physics. The Postdoctoral Fellow/ Research Fellow is expected to work on an ARC Centre of Excellence grant, in particular on a project to leverage Australian capacity in nuclear and particle physics theory to produce a predictive model of direct detection of WIMPs. It will provide new theoretical guidance to experimental programs of the Centre. Close collaborations between theorists and experimentalists are highly encouraged. 

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JobFleur MorrisonPast
Research Fellow in Particle Physics

This is an exceptional tenure track opportunity for an ambitious researcher to join the prestigious Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics and contribute to world-class research in experimental particle physics with emphasis on dark matter direct detection and beyond the standard model physics.

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JobGuest UserPast
Lecturer in Experimental Particle Physics

This is an exceptional tenure track opportunity for an ambitious researcher to join the prestigious Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics and contribute to world-class research in experimental particle physics with emphasis on dark matter direct detection and beyond the standard model physics.

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JobGuest UserPast
Non-Centre opportunity: Research associate for defence-funded cybersecurity research project at University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide High Energy Physics group has an available position for a postdoctoral research associate to work on the GAMBIT project for a period of 3 years commencing in 2022. The research associate will be jointly supported by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics and the Pawsey Centre for Extreme scale Readiness ( ).

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JobJosh CohenPast
Non-Centre opportunity: GAMBIT postdoc at the University of Adelaide to optimise the GAMBIT code and perform dark matter research

The University of Adelaide High Energy Physics group has an available position for a postdoctoral research associate to work on the GAMBIT project for a period of 3 years commencing in 2022. The research associate will be jointly supported by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics and the Pawsey Centre for Extreme scale Readiness ( ).

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JobJosh CohenPast