Ayse Kizilersu’s PhD in theoretical physics on "Gauge Theory Constraints on the Fermion-Boson Vertex" was completed in the UK at the Centre for Particle Theory (CPT) in Durham University, which later became the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP).
Read MoreLaura Manenti is a Lecturer at the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on rare event searches and experiments aimed at detecting dark matter particles
Read MoreDr Peter McNamara is an experimental particle physicist.
He was a postdoctoral researcher at the ANU node involved with the CYGNUS and SABRE South collaborations. He is now based at the University of Toronto.
Read MoreUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
Read MoreFrancesco Nuti has been key for the SABRE design, detector simulation, physics performance and his expertise on GENAT simulation are key to SABRE simulation.
Read MoreJulia Gonsky is a Panofsky Fellow working on the energy frontier at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. She completed her postdoc at Columbia and PhD at Harvard, both on the ATLAS experiment.
Read MoreLaura Baudis is a professor in the Physics Department of the University of Zurich and Associate Investigator with CDM. She has a long interest in dark matter and neutrino physics and has worked on dark matter detectors and on neutrinoless double beta decay since her days as a PhD student at the University of Heidelberg.
Read MoreProfessor Buchler works at the ANU and has a background in quantum and nano-optics with a focus on atom-light interactions.
Read MoreCaterina Doglioni is a professor at the University of Manchester and a member of the ATLAS Collaboration at the LHC.
Read MoreProfessor Chris Power is a theoretical and computational astrophysicist based at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research at the University of Western Australia.
Read MoreDr Peter Cox is a particle theorist at the University of Melbourne and an ARC DECRA fellow.
Read MoreDominik Koll is a Honorary Lecturer in the Department of Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Applications of the Australian National University and a Postdoctoral Researcher in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Isotope Research of Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.
Read MorePaul Altin completed his PhD in quantum atom optics at ANU in 2012, before taking up an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany.
Read MoreGrace Lawrence’s area of research is direct detection, using simulations to study galaxy-scale dark matter distribution.
Read MoreDr Dipan Sengupta is an academic at the at the University of New South Wales working on fundamental theoretical particle physics. He was previously a research associate at the Centre’s Adelaide node.
Read MoreVictoria Millar is a Senior Lecturer in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE).
Read MoreSara Diglio is a CNRS researcher at the SUBATECH laboratory in Nantes, France. Her scientific interests range from particle and astroparticle physics to detector technologies.
Read MoreMaurizio Toscano is a Senior Lecturer in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE) at the University of Melbourne.
Read MoreJan van Driel is a Professor of Science Education and co-leader of the Mathematics, Science & Technology Education Group in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE) at the University of Melbourne.
Read MoreIt is not just the big discoveries that drive Peter Cox in his research into the nature of dark matter, but also the small pieces of the puzzle he is helping to put in place along the way.
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