Victoria Millar
Victoria Millar is a Senior Lecturer in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE).
Previously a secondary physics, science and mathematics teacher she now undertakes research in science education and has been involved in a number of successful national education projects.
Her research interests are in physics and science education, particularly science participation, curriculum and interdisciplinarity.
She has been involved in a number of national projects looking at participation in STEM. These include leading a Federal Government Australian School Innovation in Science, Technology and Mathematics (ASISTM) scheme project aimed at improving the retention of girls in post-compulsory physics. She was also part of the team that wrote the Invergowrie STEM reports Girls’ Future-Our Future (2017 and 2020).
Victoria’s interest in curriculum led to her being a member of a research project that investigated changing forms of knowledge in the science and physics curriculum across secondary schooling and higher education. She has also been involved in a number of projects and reports on science education for the Department of Education and Training.
Sara Diglio is a CNRS researcher at the SUBATECH laboratory in Nantes, France.
Her scientific interests range from particle and astroparticle physics to detector technologies.