Constraints on the U ( 1 ) B - L model from global QCD analysis TheoryFleur Morrison31 January 2025Publication
Two-neutrino double electron capture of 124Xe in the first LUX-ZEPLIN exposure Direct DetectionFleur Morrison25 December 2024Publication
Neutrino portals to MeV WIMPs with s-channel mediators TheoryFleur Morrison24 December 2024Publication
Challenges in the extraction of physics beyond the Standard Model from electron scattering TheoryFleur Morrison30 November 2024Publication
Upconversion of phonon modes into microwave photons in a lithium niobate bulk acoustic wave resonator coupled to a microwave cavity MetrologyFleur Morrison30 November 2024Publication
Time evolution of the reheating equation of state and its impact on the inflationary tensor perturbation spectrum Theory, Direct DetectionFleur Morrison4 November 2024Publication
Optimising an array of Cherenkov telescopes in Australia for the detection of TeV gamma-ray transients Direct DetectionFleur Morrison31 October 2024Publication
Prospects for Light Dark Matter Searches at Large-Volume Neutrino Detectors Theory, Direct DetectionFleur Morrison31 October 2024Publication
Precision multi-mode microwave spectroscopy of paramagnetic and rare-earth ion spin defects in single crystal calcium tungstate Direct Detection, MetrologyFleur Morrison26 October 2024Publication
Dark Matter Search Results from 4.2 Tonne-Years of Exposure of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Experiment Direct DetectionFleur Morrison25 October 2024Publication
New Data-Driven Constraints on the Sign of Gluon Polarization in the Proton TheoryFleur Morrison25 October 2024Publication
Extending global fits of 4D Composite Higgs Models with partially composite leptons TheoryFleur Morrison31 August 2024Publication
Quantum Interference at the Recombination Junction of Perovskite-Si Tandem Solar Cells Improves Efficiency Fleur Morrison29 August 2024Publication
The DAMA/LIBRA signal: an induced modulation effect? Direct DetectionFleur Morrison25 August 2024Publication
Neutrino mean free path in neutron stars in the presence of hyperons TheoryFleur Morrison25 August 2024Publication
Scalar dark matter explanation of the excess in the Belle II B+ → K++ invisible measurement TheoryFleur Morrison31 July 2024Publication
Explaining the cosmological dark matter coincidence in asymmetric dark QCD TheoryFleur Morrison31 July 2024Publication