Advancing globular cluster constraints on the axion-photon coupling

Centre Authors: Dolan, M., Volkas, R., Hiskens, F.

We improve the current upper bound on the axion-photon coupling derived from stellar evolution using the R2 parameter, the ratio of stellar populations on the Asymptotic Giant Branch to Horizontal Branch in Globular Clusters. We compare this with data from simulations using the stellar evolution code MESA which include the effects of axion production. Particular attention is given to quantifying in detail the effects of uncertainties on the R and R2 parameters due to the modelling of convective core boundaries. Using a semiconvective mixing scheme we constrain the axion-photon coupling to be gaγγ < 0.47 × 10-10 GeV-1. This rules out new regions of QCD axion and axion-like particle parameter space. Complementary evidence from asteroseismology suggests that this could improve to as much as gaγγ < 0.34 × 10-10 GeV-1 as the uncertainties surrounding mixing across convective boundaries are better understood.