Generation of bimodal solitons in a sapphire whispering-gallery-mode maser at millikelvin temperatures

Centre Authors: Tobar, M., Goryachev, M., Thomson, C.

We present experimental observations of bimodal solitons in a solid state three-level maser cooled to millikelvin temperatures. The maser is built on a highly dilute Fe3+ spin ensemble hosted by a high-purity Al2O3 crystal constituting a high-quality factor whispering-gallery-mode resonator. The maser is pumped through one of these modes, near 31 GHz, generating two signals near 12.04 GHz from two distinct modes, 8 MHz apart. The system demonstrates three regimes, namely, a continuous-wave regime, a dense soliton regime, and a sparse soliton regime. These results open other avenues for studying nonlinear wave phenomena using microwave systems as well as different applications of solitons in this part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Published: Mar, 2022