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The Quantum Road Trip

Eight physicists from the QDM Lab at UWA will embark on a Quantum and Dark Matter Road Trip during National Science Week to visit schools and communities in the southwest of Western Australia.

With funding from National Science Week Small Grants, ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS) and ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics, high school students and interested members of the public will have the opportunity to be informed and entertained in all matters dark and quantum.

The team will set off in a minibus from The University of Western Australia on Monday 16 August and present activites to students ranging from Year 7 to Year 12 over the five day trip, including a Community Fair at Newton Moore Senior High School in Bunbury.

The participating schools are:

  • Wagin District High School

  • Denmark Senior High School

  • Mt Barker Community College

  • Albany Senior High School

  • Newton Moore Senior High School (Community STEM Fair)

  • Nannup District High School

  • Dalyellup College