Women are at the forefront of the search for dark matter in Australia and our Director Elisabetta Barberio is one of many extraordinary women in our Centre working to help us better understand our world.
Read MoreCentre Chief Investigator Geoff Taylor has been appointed Chair of the Science Advisory Committee at the Japanese High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK
Read MoreUniversity of Melbourne PhD student Mike Mews appeared on 3RRR’s Einstein a Go Go program to talk about our search for dark matter.
Read MoreThe DARK Matters exhibition has helped the Science Gallery attract its highest number of visitors since opening its doors.
Read MorePhD candidate Guangyong FU had an unusual introduction to Australia, undertaking two weeks’ hotel quarantine when he arrived in Melbourne from China.
Read MoreWhen you think of physics, do you think of variety? Postdoctoral researcher at The University of Western Australia, Graeme Flower, certainly didn't. Now, he thrives in a world of constant variety in every moment of his day, which, in his words, "keeps it interesting."
Read MoreImagine transitioning from one field of science to another and not just switching specialties but moving to the other side of the world to delve into one of the most profound mysteries of the universe.
Read MoreCentre member Zuzana Slavkovska of Australian National University spoke on ABC Canberra about her role in the search for dark matter.
Read MoreTo mark Dark Matter Day 2023, Centre member Ben McAllister, of Swinburne University of Technology and The University of Western Australia, spoke to Raf Epstein on ABC Melbourne.
Read MoreA team of scientists involved with the SABRE South dark matter experiment visited the Swinburne University’s Wantirna campus in Melbourne to practice procedures that will later be repeated 1km underground in an active gold mine in the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory.
Read MoreA combination of passion and pragmatism drive the career direction of postdoctoral researcher Jeremy Bourhill.
Read MorePhysics is a broad field and can sometimes look like lonely work, but PhD student Elrina Hartman says the dynamism and collaboration within the field of physics confirmed her desire to pursue the sciences.
Read MoreCentre PhD candidate Grace Lawrence was awarded the Royal Society of Victoria prize for Physical Sciences on Friday.
Read MorePhD candidate Guangyong FU had an unusual introduction to Australia, undertaking two weeks’ hotel quarantine when he arrived in Melbourne from China.
Read MoreA team of international researchers, led by experts at the University of Adelaide, has uncovered further clues in the quest for insights into the nature of dark matter.
Read MoreScientists have developed a new way to detect light dark matter using beam dump experiments, which crash high-energy beams of particles into targets, potentially creating dark matter particles.
Read MoreThe world-first use of a muon detector by the mining sector has highlighted the potential for blue-sky research to solve industry challenges.
Read MoreThe recent Lepton Photon 2023 conference featured a plenary panel debate on “Mental Health in Particle Physics”. Centre member and University of Adelaide researcher Dr Harish Potti was a panelist alongside Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health at Monash university Professor Kim Kornish and Tezpur University in India’s Dr Moon Moon Devi.
Read MoreLearn about the latest in dark matter searches in Australia and internationally with a range of talks and interviews held around National Science Week 2023.
Read MoreEmily Filmer discusses why she travelled across Australia in the QDM Road Trip to show rural and remote students to show students the true face of STEM.
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