Celebrating International Day of Light

International Day of Light is a global initiative that provides an annual celebration of light and the role it plays in science, culture, art, education, and sustainable development, and in fields as diverse as medicine, communications and energy.

Making Dark Matter Come to Light

While we may not know exactly what dark matter is, but we do know light plays a big role in not only proving its existence but also helping us uncover its mysteries.

We asked Centre members to highlight the ways in which light intersects with our work in our International Day of Light photography competition.

The winners are:

Judges' Award 

Winner: Kathryn Ryan

Runner Up: Zachary Picker

 Science Award

Winner: Ciaran O'Hare

Runner Up: Irene Bolognino

Member's Choice

Winner: Kathryn Ryan

Runner Up: Adam Ussing

Node Participation Award

University of Sydney

Top (left to right): Kathryn Ryan (University of Melbourne), Ciaran O'Hare (University of Sydney), Irene Bolognino (University of Adelaide), Joseph Allingham (University of Sydney) 'Shedding light on Enlightenment sub specie æternitatis'

 Bottom Row (left to right): Markus Mosbech (University of Sydney), Zachary Picker (University of Sydney) 'theory', Adam Ussing (Swinburne University)